Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday FunDay

Well working on a Saturday didn’t turn out so bad.  My first block we watched the Mr.Bean Movie, second block don’t mess with zohan, third block Monsters inc, and my drama class watched glee and mr.bean.  It was a very productive day, work wise though.  I was able to get all of my marking done, enter all of my marks into the electronic system, and make all of my lesson plans for the week.  So I was quite pleased with myself.  The last block of the day I have  a prep, and didn’t really have anything to do, so I just hung out with Robyn in her class.  The students were quite entertained with us laughing together.
                That night we didn’t really plan to move off of the couch.  Haha.  I downloaded Biggest loser (how fitting) and watched that.  It gets dark really quick, so around 6:30 Mike knocks on the door, and was so confused why we were sitting in the dark on the couch being losers.  Tara was going out for dinner for her birthday at a new restaurant that a couple of the staff discovered.  So, we got off our butts and headed out.  The restaurant was in a mall right by computer city.  We didn’t really see any protests, so I’m guessing that it was more tame than expected.  Apparently later on in the night it got a little worse in the central part of the city.  Everyone was going to Peter’s house after dinner but Robyn and I were extremely tired.  So we did a little shopping around the mall we were in went to Starbucks (the first time in China) and headed home to have some more quality couch time. 
                Sunday I woke up early and went on my longest run to date in Wuhan.  40 times around the outside of the track.  So boring, let me tell ya.   I did it though and felt so awesome afterward.  We were headed to tailor street afterwards to pick up all of our costumes.  Bahahaha, my costume is so awesome!  When I got there everyone around remembered me and were so excited for me to try on the costume.  I put it on, and it’s so perfect.  It’s like I’m wearing a sleeping bag all over my body.  It better be cold on Thursday or else I’m going to lose like 10lbs sweating. 
                When we got home from shopping the boys came over with a bottle of wine and we had a nice little chat.  Robyn and I invited them over for dinner, so we started to cook.  I had everything under control, I cooked some bacon for salad, some chicken for the sauce, cut up some veggies for the sauce and had it all ready.  Mike and Robyn did the salad, and then they were in charge of cooking the spaghetti.  Well, who knew cooking spaghetti would be such a task.  I  literally left for 5min to do something in the other room and come back and there are flames in the kitchen.  The two of them just stand there, so Shane goes over and puts it out.  Then I look at the strainer and it’s all melted and burnt, and I say, what is this from, they both reply “oh, that was from the FIRST fire.”  Lol, how do you have two fires in 5min while cooking spaghetti :S.  The apartment is still standing, so we’re good.  Clearly I am still the cook.  Hehe.
                After that Mike made me try on my Boo costume.  It’s freakin’ hilarious and its hard to move around.  So I put it on and then he’s like…hey, what would happen if I pushed you over, and then pushes me on the ground.  Haha.  So he did this over and over while Robyn taped it.  Too funny.  I sewed the mop on the head of it while Robyn helped Mike make his Wolverine costume.  He’s also borrowing on of my white wife beaters for his costume….saying it’s a little tight is a bit of an understatement.  Oh jeeze
So even though we didn’t quite have the whole weekend off we were able to get the most of our weekend J

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